Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to Teaching With Bravery

  • 2

    Teaching With Humanity

    • Why Brave Teachers Matter

    • 3 Gateways to Ourselves

    • A Note on Guided Practices

    • Guided Practice: Trust

    • Guided Practice: Care

    • Guided Practice: Vulnerability

    • Reflection

  • 3

    Teaching Like a Mountain

    • Coming Home

    • Embodiment, Mindfulness, and Presence

    • Sitting in Connection

    • Guided Practice: Posture

    • Guided Practice: Calm Abiding Meditation

    • A Few Notes on Building a Meditation Practice

    • Guided Practice: Calm Abiding 2

    • Interlude

    • Gabe's Key Instructions

    • Working with Challenges in Meditation

    • Reflection

  • 4

    Teaching Like a River

    • Connection

    • Guided Practice: Open Heart 1

    • Guided Practice: Open Heart 2

    • 3 Levels of Listening

    • Listening Exercise

  • 5

    Teaching Like the Sun

    • The Bravery of Gentleness

    • Reflection

    • The Bravery of Joy

    • Reflection

    • The Bravery of Fearlessness

    • Reflection

    • The Bravery of Wisdom

    • Reflection

    • Sparking Bravery

    • Dedication

    • Thank you